Monday, December 03, 2007

Understanding jealousy


Jealousy is that feeling that many of us has experienced. Its that crushing-the-heart feeling that we all hate to feel. But yet don't find ways to prevent ourselves from feeling.

But really, is it just an uncontrollable feeling?
I believe not. It's hold is deeper than just hormones influencing our minds. It's the a very effective way of making us do all sorts of dark things. We become so overwhelmed by the feeling that baffles us and we name jealousy.

No, I believe jealousy is deception of the heart. We feel jealous when we THINK, consciously or not that we OWN something, or someONE. We think that no one has the right to have anything to do with what we own. With what we DON'T want to SHARE. The feeling blinds us so much that we don't see this. Effective isn't it?

But no one owns anyone. That only belongs to God. I cannot own you. Nor can you own me. No matter how a person is sold to someone for any exchange. That person will never be truly owned by the purchaser. Except if you were the devil, I suppose. We have to recognize that God alone has the right to own anyone. That is why its absolutely WRONG for us to.

But there is a way. If we can't get to our heart, since its so busy deceiving and being deceived, let's use our brains. First of all, we have to recognize that we DONT own anyone or anything. Only God has that right. Second, we have to LET GO not in words but in deeds, even if it goes against the very fiber of your being and against the raging of your heart. And finally, we have to tell God, "He/She/It is Yours alone. Do with it whatever You please. No matter what I do, don't allow me to do it."

Jealousy is that crushing-the-heart feeling that we all hate to feel. But yet don't find ways to prevent ourselves from feeling. But there is a way isn't there? I guess the question really is...

Are you willing to give up "ownership"?

If the answer is no. Then, you'll continue to be fooled by that hormonal rages.
"Who can withstand jealousy?"
"Envy rots the bones."
"A crushed spirit dries up bones."

If the answer is yes, then prepare for greater glory...

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